Welcome to Lea Marlene Actors Studio

&   T H E   N A M A S T A G E    T H E A T R E

What people are saying about studying at

“When I get called in for an audition the first thing I do is call Lea and set up a private coaching session because without her I wouldn’t be able to make the role as dynamic. I never go on an audition without her advice.”


“A safe, welcoming studio for anybody looking to settle into their authenticity, communicative capacity, and to develop a deeper appreciation for the power of their imagination!”


Taking this class and learning the Meisner Technique over the past 2 years turned out to be a much more meaningful decision for me than to simply do something new just for fun. I used to think that acting was about pretending, but it is actually the opposite! We automatically “act” every day when we are uncomfortable, with defenses and masks. I learned that true acting is about being authentically myself under imaginary circumstances, without putting up the usual shields. It is UN-acting! Meisner actors must be completely vulnerable and real in order to resonate with the audience. Doing this is much more challenging and uncomfortable than I ever thought, but it is also energizing and freeing and helped me learn more about myself. It has brought me a deeper level of confidence that transfers into my personal life. When I first started the class, I never imagined how much of a positive impact it would have made. I am so grateful to Lea, Art and my classmates for this awesome experience.


“Within a week of working with Lea I booked off tape and will be working with Disney XD Awesomeness T.V. and will be a game show host. Heading back to where I LOVE to be. Hollywood!”


“The Meisner Technique and the past 2 years in this class have entirely changed my life; not just as an actor, but as a writer, filmmaker, and human. Lea and Meisner opened my eyes to the truth that acting is all about authenticity. This incredible work has allowed me to begin to live more intentionally on stage and in life, to trust my talent, to believe that I’m enough, to leave myself alone and be brave enough to allow the real to come through. I’ve never felt more present or fulfilled than I am on Lea’s stage and I can’t wait to share a little piece of this amazing work with the world.”


“This incredible teacher, this class, this studio, and this amazing, transformative, deeply rewarding, life enriching, magical, treasure of a process that is the Meisner technique. I feel so so so very blessed and grateful for the serendipity that I have been so fortunate to have experienced in order to place me in the right place and time to receive such a truly soul touching and glorious gift. THANK YOU Lea Marlene, thank you genius Mr. Meisner, thank you Universe!


“Lea is a magnificent teacher in every way. She has an extremely gifted eye that can quickly discern between a performer who is “acting” and a performer who is living truthfully within the given circumstances. Surprisingly, that is incredibly rare- even in LA and New York.”


It’s hard to express how rare and exceptional both Lea Marlene and the Namastage studio truly are. Her insight into not only the craft of acting but life and the incredible journey that we all share leaves me in awe on a weekly basis. She creates a space for creative souls to explore parts of themselves they never knew existed while encouraging them to be the people they’re meant to be by simply reminding them that who they are is all they need to be.

To be present, to listen to yourself and others and live authentically in the moment is a tremendous gift in acting and in life and it all pours from her in such a generous manner. I always believed acting to be more about taking the mask off as opposed to putting another one on. Finding an affirmation of that principle in the Meisner Technique and an example of those truths embodied by Lea Marlene and all who grace the Namastage Theatre has left me profoundly changed and inspired to say the least.


Read Behavior,
Listen, Be Authentic.


Tools to be calm, cool, and
articulate on stage,
camera and in life.

ACT- The reality of doing ASANA- A pose or series of poses ACTASANA (ACT ah-sah-nah)

Lea Marlene Actors Studio is the only studio in Colorado that offers the full Two Year Meisner Technique Program for Acting.  We offer Conservatory Style training that integrates  yoga into The Meisner Technique curriculum as well as the Young Actors Program.  Our students have found our revolutionary Actasana Technique extremely useful  (why acting and yoga) as it helps the students cultivate the energy needed and the ability to get present in their heart which is the actors most vital tool. This is an all levels yoga practice and is very beginner friendly. As actors we have to explore every facet of who we are as humans and taking the time to be in your body is very beneficial to the process. A musician wouldn’t dare play an untuned instrument why should you as an actor?

Our intimate Namastage Theatre hosts classes, professional productions and workshops.  We are dedicated to providing a welcoming space for actors and non-actors alike. We challenge you to grow artistically and live creatively.  If you study here you will obtain powerful tools such as the ability to read behavior acutely,  you’ll become the best listener in the room and you’ll get comfortable being uncomfortable. Our offerings give you the ability to thrive in life, both personally and professionally.   For us this is larger than acting as learning how to fearlessly trust your instincts  can help you harness your authentic power and use your gifts and talents in exciting and life affirming ways.

Léa Marlene Actors Studio

You are invited to a Zoom webinar. 

When: May 15, 2021 07:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) 
Topic: Lea Marlene Actors Studio - Spring Scene Night Graduation Showcase

Register in advance for this webinar: